Travis Norton
Travis Norton

Travis Norton

Travis Norton Bio

Travis Norton is a retired 25-year law enforcement professional. He is a skilled police lieutenant, SWAT Commander, and has trained officers in police practices nationwide. Travis was the training division and professional standards unit lieutenant for a mid-size police agency and was responsible for the police academy, field training program, in-service training, leadership development, and use of force reviews and investigations. Travis has been an instructor for over 15 years in defensive tactics, active shooter response, de-escalation, less-lethal weapons, SWAT command & tactics, critical incident response, chemical agents, scenario-based training, crisis decision-making, and tactical science. He currently instructs for the National Tactical Officers Association (NTOA) and the California Association of Tactical Officers (CATO). Since 2020, he has been a guest lecturer in police practices and use of force at the University of Southern California (USC). Travis also serves as a policing fellow at both the National Policing Institute (NPI) and the Future Policing Institute. 

Travis is the Strategy Development Chair for the NTOA and a committee member of the NTOA Tactical Response and Operations Standard for Law Enforcement Agencies (2018 & 2023). He was selected as an active shooter SME by NPI and Safe and Sound Schools for several active shooter reviews and leads a critical incident review team for CATO. These opportunities allow Travis to review officer-involved shootings and active shooter incidents in the US and abroad.  

Travis holds a doctorate in Policy, Planning, and Development at USC and a master’s degree from California State University at Long Beach in Emergency Services Administration. Based on his doctoral research, Travis recently proposed and drafted the language for CA State Assembly Bill 2710 - Active Shooter Police Response Legislation (2024).