Dan Baumann
Dan Baumann

Dan Baumann

Captain, Waukesha Police Department

Dan Baumann Bio

Captain Baumann has been employed with the Waukesha Police Department for over 24 years. He has served in the Patrol Division, Criminal Investigation Division and the Special Services Division, having Commanded all three.  His professional career, both in the military and in law enforcement he has had the opportunity to be a first-line supervisor, middle-manager and work in the executive leadership team.  Captain Baumann built a partnership with the Milwaukee County Chief’s Association and was instrumental in the Milwaukee Area Investigative Team, being a lead agency (Shoot Team).  He is the President of the Suburban Mutual Aid Response Team, he is the Tactical Unit Commander, he is the Peers Support Unit Coordinator and prides himself on enhancing the wellness and resiliency of the agency.  Captain Baumann earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice and obtained a Master’s Degree in Management and is a graduate of the FBI National Academy Session 272.

During the Christmas parade tragedy mass casualty event he served as the Public Information Officer for the City of Waukesha.

Upcoming conference courses Dan Baumann is teaching