Drew Estell
Drew Estell

Drew Estell


Drew Estell Bio

Drew Estell is an Army Special forces veteran with multiple deployments to the middle east performing unconventional warfare and direct-action missions. His career includes duties on a Military Freefall Detachment and as an assaulter in the Crisis Response Force (CRF/CIF). Before leaving active duty, Drew helped to stand up and manage his unit’s concealed carry/active shooter program. 

He is currently the owner of BAER Solutions LLC and Agonic LLC. BAER Solutions has quickly grown to teaching multiple open enrollment classes across the country, military and law enforcement classes, and has consulted for police departments to deliver tailored solutions such as shooting packages, consulting on SOF lessons learned, and close quarters battle and active shooter tactics. BAER also teaches medical classes and urban survival classes. 

Additionally, Drew published his first book in January of 2022 titled “Process and Progress Pistol Training” which is available on Amazon and the BAER website. The book debuted as the #1 New Release on Amazon in three categories. 

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