CQB Enhancing Flat Range by BAER Solutions
CQB Enhancing Flat Range by BAER Solutions
June 11, 2025 08:00 - 16:00
Patrol / SWAT / Task Force

Course Description

This course is designed to increase the skills needed to conduct CQB. Time spent on the flat range should be used to prepare for the worst case situation a LE officer could encounter on the job. Here you will focus on weapons manipulation, and speed a precision shooting, static and moving, with both carbine and pistol. To do that we perform dills to enhance vision and use cognitive targets to improve decision making. Endstate of this course is to identify strengths and gaps in training and equipment and better prepare the LEO.

Student Requirements

  • Recommend LEO use daily uniform/loadout.
  • Note taking on paper or phone is encouraged.
  • Full kit (helmet optional) if applicable.
  • Rifle and pistol with 3 mags ea. minimum.
  • Some drills will dictate rifle or pistol, other will be shooter's choice.
  • 500 rounds pistol
  • 500 rounds rifle