Rob Swihart has been employed by the Xenia Police Division since September of 2011. During his time with the Xenia Police Division, Rob Swihart has served as Field Training Officer, Evidence Technician, and Training Committee member. In addition, Rob Swihart has served as an instructor for the division in the areas of firearms, patrol breaching, critical injury first aid, building search tactics, CQB tactics, vehicle tactics, and active threat response training. Rob Swihart served as a member of the USMS SOFAST TEAM and fulfilled the role of General Assignment Detective for approxiately four years. Rob Swihart is currently assigned to a regional task force.
Rob Swihart has been a member of the Greene County Regional SWAT Team since October of 2013. During his time with the Greene County Regional SWAT Team, Rob Swihart has served as the Training Coordinator and a lead instructor in several disciplines. These disciplines include: critical injury first aid, firearms, CQB tactics, vehicle tactics, chemical munitions, impact munitions, flash/sound distraction devices, breaching, and executive protection operations. Rob Swihart served as a team commander from June of 2022 until December of 2023 when he elected to return to the team as a team member.
Rob Swihart has been on OTOA staff since 2015 and currently serves as a member of the RED Team Training Cadre.