Less Lethal Impact Instructor by CTS
Less Lethal Impact Instructor by CTS
June 12, 2025 08:00 - 16:00
Instructor & Certification
Patrol / SWAT / Task Force
Sandusky Police Department Firearms Range
Login to see address
Sandusky, Ohio 44870

Course Description

 • Introduction to Impact Munitions

 • Weapons and Munitions: 12ga./37mm/40mm

 • Single Projectiles/Multiple Projectiles

 • Operational Considerations – Skip Fire/Direct Fire

 • Crowd Control Considerations (open and contained)

 • Single Target Acquisition/Dynamic Entry Support

 • Physiological/Psychological Effects

 • Incident Case Studies/Liability Consideration

 • Test Data: Blunt Trauma/Ballistics and Energy

 • Development of Policy and Procedures

 • Operational Scenarios/Qualification Course

 • Documenting Training/In-Service Training

 • Instructor Development/Follow-Up Procedures

Student Requirements

Eye and ear protection, gloves, body armor, and duty gear are normally utilized when deploying less lethal munitions.

If you have the following bring it but it is not required

·         Department 37mm Single (Smooth Bore) Launcher or 37 Multi Launcher.

·         40mm Multi or 40 MM Single Launcher 12-gauge Shotgun.

·         Improved Cylinder Bore Shotgun and clearly marked for use with Less Lethal.