Jeff Felts
Jeff Felts

Jeff Felts

Officer (ret.)

Jeff Felts Bio

Ofc. Jeff Felts (ret.) is a 20-year law enforcement veteran in suburban Detroit Michigan. He holds an associate degree in criminal justice, a bachelor’s degree in business management, and is a graduate of Northwestern University School of Police Staff and Command.  As a former U.S. Army Infantry Drill Instructor, Jeff has a solid training foundation. He is a graduate of Carlos Hathcock's basic police sniper school and served on the Western Wayne County Special Operations Team for 12 years as an operator, sniper, and sniper team leader. He is a certified special weapons and tactics instructor, tactical rifle instructor, master sniper/sniper Instructor, and AR-15 Armorer. Jeff is the President of Center Mass, Incorporated who were pioneers in the tripod shooting craze and active assailant response training that you know today. Finally, Jeff is the founder of the National Patrol Rifle Championships (NPRC) which is now America’s longest running patrol rifle and active assailant training event. He is a member of the American Sniper Association (ASA) and has served on its Advisory Board. He is also a member or former member of the NTOA, MTOA, OTOA, ITOA, ILEETA and the NRA.