Derrick Bartlett
Derrick Bartlett

Derrick Bartlett


Derrick Bartlett Bio

Derrick Bartlett is a 28-year veteran of law enforcement.  As a member of the Fort Lauderdale Police Department, he served as a SWAT/Sniper for sixteen years and was responsible for team training.  Over twenty years in special operations provided him with unique opportunities to work and train with numerous elite tactical units and renowned instructors.  Derrick is a state-certified instructor in firearms and SWAT-related fields.  As Director of Snipercraft, Inc., he has provided instruction for snipers and supervisors for over twelve hundred law enforcement agencies, throughout the United States and Canada.  In addition to dozens of magazine articles, he is the author of the books, Snipercraft: The Art of the Police Sniper, Staring at the Crosshairs and Riding the Recoil, and a contributing author to the training manual, Police Sniper Training and Operations.  He is the creator of Tactical Vision, an observation skills course for police officers and tactical personnel.  Derrick is also the President of the American Sniper Association and serves on the Sniper Section of the National Tactical Officers Association.