Olyn Sexton

Olyn Sexton Bio

With over 25 years dedicated to law enforcement with the Lexington County Sheriff's Department in South Carolina, including a distinguished tenure as part of the SWAT and Sniper teams, I founded Snipercraft Mid-Atlantic in 2020. My mission is clear: to support and build law enforcement officers with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in their roles. As the primary instructor, I leverage my extensive work and experience to deliver comprehensive training to police snipers in proficiency, procedures, skills, and tactics. In addition, I provide knowledge and resources to those snipers, team members, managers, and supervisors of those teams with courses and programs in leadership development, mental health, and fitness.

At Snipercraft Mid-Atlantic, our training programs are distinguished by their authenticity and practicality. Rooted in real-world experiences and bolstered by practical application, statistics, and historical data, our approach ensures that participants are prepared to navigate the intricacies of their work with assurance and competence. I am deeply committed to cultivating a culture of continual growth and learning, acknowledging that there are no plateaus in our field and that we should all be perpetual students of our craft.

Beyond my professional endeavors, my dedication extends to my family and wife, whom I've been married to since 1998 and with whom I share two children. Their unwavering support has allowed me to excel in this business and continue to serve and help others. They fuel my drive to positively impact the lives of those officers who are actively out there on the front line, serving and protecting our communities.

Upcoming conference courses Olyn Sexton is teaching