Richie Arnold
Richie Arnold

Richie Arnold


Richie Arnold Bio

Richie Arnold is currently in Law Enforcement within the Las Vegas area and has been since 2005. Since then he has been assigned:

  1. Patrol
  2. Field Training Officer 
  3. Department Training Officer 
  4. Use of Force Instructor 
  5. Gang Resource Officer 
  6. Burglary Action Team 
  7. Reserve SWAT Operator 
  8. Full Time SWAT Operator 

Richie Arnold is currently assigned to a full time SWAT team where he serves as the Training Team Leader and Assistant Tactical Team Leader. Since being apart of the SWAT team he has been apart of and planned over 1000 high risk activations. 

RA Tactics was founded in 2019 where he is the lead instructor. We train Law Enforcement Agencies, Military, Security and Civilians. Most of our courses are certified through the Nevada Police Officer Standards and Training (POST). For more information about the classes please visit us at