Palisades Group
630 West Wyoming Avenue
Suite #2
Cincinnati, OH 45215

At Palisades Group, we are your trusted, one-stop provider for outfitting those in uniform. From firearms to cutting-edge tactical and mission-critical gear, we offer a comprehensive selection of products designed to ensure law enforcement professionals are equipped to succeed in every situation. Available 24/7, we provide the tools and support needed to face the unexpected with confidence.

We go the extra mile by traveling to your site to offer product demonstrations and samples, ensuring that every department has access to the latest innovations. We are committed to continually expanding our lineup with the best equipment available, delivering top-tier solutions for law enforcement professionals.

With Palisades Group, you can always arrive on scene fully prepared for whatever challenges lie ahead.


∆ Firearms 

∆ Firearm Accessories 

∆ Ammunition

∆ Range and Training Equipment 

∆ Apparel/ Uniform

∆ Ballistic Armor and Protection

∆ NVG/ Thermal

∆ Medical 

∆ Tactical and Duty Gear

∆ Drones and Robotics

∆ Communications

∆ Less lethal

∆ Riot and Crowd Control 

Secure the Outcome_ @ Palisadesdefense.com_