Hostage Rescue Tactics by Zebra Operator Group (Day 1 of 2)
Hostage Rescue Tactics by Zebra Operator Group (Day 1 of 2)
June 11, 2025 08:00 - 16:00
Active Shooter Response
Patrol / SWAT / Task Force
Sandusky Jackson Junior High School
Login to see address
Sandusky, OH 44870

Course Description

Objectives Discussed:
- Basic Fundamentals of Initial Room Clear while utilizing the “2 man” Concept (clearing of threshold “snap-shot”, clearing of entry point, running of wall, clearing corner, position of advantage/ dominance, communication and proper implementation of “back guarding”, (size of room will dictate)
- Understanding of the “Take it as it Comes” philosophy and when that rule can be violated (Intel Driven)
- Understanding of job roles as the #1 and #2 operator during the entry (scanning / flagging)
- Proper Communication / Verbalization when exiting rooms
- Contact with Suspect and Working for Tactical “L” (closing of distance, separation etc..)
- Proper Communication / Verbalization once “contact” is made with hostage, suspect, and or both (whatever the teams “support” word is)

Drill work will consist of the following:
- 2 man room clear traditional
- 2 man room clear separation (running of rabbit or taking of unknown, discussion may occur, depending on room type)
- 2 man room clear with multiple suspects

Full Team Drills with role players to finish training block:
Full Team Drill work w/ implementation of breaching capabilities (discussion of manual, mechanical, ballistic, explosive)

Objectives / Topics discussed:
- Breach Plan and Contingencies
- Stack Locations (double, single)
- Single Entry Point vs. Dual Entry Points (layout knowledge, avoid gun to gun, reasons to stagger entry)
- Roles and Responsibilities of the Breach Team Leader
- DOR plans (when rescue is performed)
- 4 to problem concept (No SOP here, just a concept taking more guns to the fight) and team back fills behind

Day 1 will finish with Full Team Hostage Rescue Scenarios with Role Players

Day 2: Full Team Drill Work (2 man)
Time Group 1: 8am - 12pm (4) hour
Time Group 2: 1pm - 5pm (4) hour

Drill work will consist of the following:
- 1 on 1 (hostage and suspect)
- 2 on 1 (hostage and 2 suspects)
- DOR (point man goes down)
- 1 on 1 (suspect mobile)
- Flash Bang Intro (discuss SOP’s)
- Depending on layout (if 2 stories w/ stairs) discuss “make a read” stair post, standard stair post, last man tap up, or lead up stairs (layout will dictate, but can still be discussed and walked through)

Once Drill work completed, teams will participate in full HR scenarios with role players

Day 2:
Topics to Discussusion

- Command Initiated
- Sniper Initiated
- Policy Shoot
- Authorized “Crisis” Entry
- Multiple Entry Points (layouts that could bring us gun to gun)

After topics are discussed, teams will participate in a series of HR scenarios involving multiple entry points, all breaching capabilities along with multiple suspects and hostages.

Student Requirements

  • All callout gear (helmet, vest/plate carrier, uniform, vest)
  • Eye and Ears
  • Coms
  • Duty Pistol and Holster (NO LIVE AMMO)
  • Duty Rifle (NO LIVE AMMO)
  • Water 
  • Pen and Paper