Beyond the Stop- Criminal Interdiction
Beyond the Stop- Criminal Interdiction
June 12, 2025 08:00 - 16:00
Patrol / SWAT / Task Force
CPT Approved
Kalahari Resorts & Conventions
Salon F
Login to see address
Sandusky, OH 44870

Course Description

This course is designed to guide law enforcement officers through the process of conducting roadside interactions that may lead to the discovery of criminal activity beyond routine traffic violations.

Key Topics Include:

  • Conducting consensual encounters.
  • Identifying reasonable suspicion and establishing probable cause based on observed behavior.
  • Planning roadside encounters to ensure officer safety and investigative efficiency.
  • Preparing for court testimony and case review.

The course focuses on crimes related to the transportation of narcotics, illicit currency, weapons, and human smuggling, while also addressing a broad range of investigative aspects relevant to modern policing.

Student Requirements

  • Note taking,
  • Pen and paper.
  • Duty uniform or tactical attire, 5.11 type pants, polo.