Mantracking Tactics-Rural Operations
Mantracking Tactics-Rural Operations
June 16, 2023 08:00 - 16:00
Patrol / SWAT / Task Force
Kalahari Resorts & Conventions
Login to see address
Sandusky, OH 44870

Course Description

This hybrid class provides an awareness level of mantracking as well as team tactics to suspect engagement.   
The course covers:
Tracking Terminology
Visual Tracking Techniques
Human Gait and Track Interpretation
Visual and Non-Visual Tracking Indicators
Factors that Affect Sign
Principles of Tracking
Lost sign procedures
Terrain analysis to determine the suspect’s direction of flight. 
Tactical tracking formations and team movement, suspect engagement techniques 

Student Requirements

Student needs- blue gun, boots, comfortable field clothes, tactical gear, hat, note taking material