Chad Lyman

Chad Lyman Bio

Chad Lyman has been a police officer since 1998.  All of my patrol time was spent in high drug and crime areas on swing and night shifts.  It was during this time when I subdued and restrained numerous resistant and assaultive offenders that I began using the principles I teach today.  I found I was more effective in my ability to arrest and did so with little to no injury to myself or the offender.

Chad served in the Gang crimes Bureau as a Detective working in enforcement and investigations.  I am a trained and certified SWAT operator, Defensive Tactics Instructor, Advanced Officer Survival trainer, Firearms instructor, and field training officer, and currently serve as a use of force expert for a  major metropolitan police department in southern Nevada.

Chad has been training regularly in Mixed Martial Arts since 1999 and is a black belt in  Brazillian Jiu-Jitsu.

Chad has consulted with military professionals, high-profile security guards, and major police departments worldwide. My experience and expertise qualify me for defensive tactics.